Tuesday, 12 March 2013

What Happens When DOT Mandates Aren't Followed: Ted’s Embarrassing Story

Ted the owner of “Ted’s Transportation Corporation”…

Learned the hard way about what happens when DOT mandates aren't followed!!

Actually, Ted realized about the DOT regulations a few months back, but he was lax in his compliance with all the DOT rules.

Many a times drunken drivers were sent on jobs and Ted was so careless that sometimes, even non-CDL drivers were allowed to operate the company's vehicles. This all came to the notice of a disgruntled employee of the company and he became a whistle-blower to the DOT. He filed a complaint that triggered a DOT audit!!!

You might fool yourself into thinking that no one will ever find out you're not in compliance. However if someone files a complaint, the DOT will conduct an audit to verify the claims. The audit uncovered all the misconducts, Tod’s company was involved in. Not only they were defying several areas, but also the supervisors were not made to take the DOT alcohol and drug awareness training. And, all their explanations could not please the auditor.

Fortunately, since they were first-time offenders, Ted was allowed to pay the fine and continue business. However, a re-audit was going to be held a year later. Also, he was told to monitor and stay compliant with all DOT mandates, for which he started by providing training to the supervisors.

For that I suggested him to go to the DOT Supervisor Compliance Training Department, because even I had to train my supervisors, and had a great experience with them. Undoubtedly, I can say that Supervisor Compliance Training Department Online and live courses are the best alcohol and drug awareness training programs for all supervisors of drivers.

Well, Ted was bothered about the Supervisor Compliance Training Department Scam reports, but he stopped worrying about them after reading the Supervisor Compliance Training Department Reviews that I gave him.

I'm glad that Ted was able to through the re-audit with flying colors. Still, it costed him thousands of dollars, which he could have put to a good use somewhere else!!

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