Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Good Friends Like Adrian Always Take Care Of Whom They Care For

Sometimes, either we just don't notice a few things or just ignore them!!!

I run a transportation company in Palo Alto and daily receive several mails and letters regarding insurance, loan, etc. And I just put all those in the trash. Similarly, when the notice for DOT mandate training came to me for the first time, instead of taking it seriously I just threw it into the trash.

During those days, the US DOT conducted a survey to look for the organizations that trained or registered their supervisors for the DOT training.

That survey was also conducted in San Francisco where my friend Adrian's transportation business is located. Since he was also not aware about the DOT mandates, he didn't register his supervisor for the training and had to pay fines imposed by DOT.

After that incident he decided to train his supervisors for DOT alcohol and drug awareness and started looking for the training programs and courses for the supervisors. His search ended at the DOT Supervisor Compliance Training Department.

However, when he was just about to register with DOT Supervisor Compliance Training Department, he got to read about Supervisor Compliance Training Department Complaints and Supervisor Compliance Training Department Scam reports. Adrian had already visited Supervise Compliance’s website and found nothing suspicious at all.

Therefore, he decided to find out the truth behind these Supervisor Compliance Training Department Scam claims, and during his research he found that the DOT Supervisor Compliance Training Department is not a scam and all the complaints and scam reports are false. After confirming this he immediately got registered with them.

He hasn't only trained his supervisors at DOT Supervisor Compliance Training Department, but also updated me about the DOT mandates and suggested me to get registered with Supervisor Compliance for the training.

I am fortunate that I didn’t fall under the DOT scanner and grateful that Adrian called me in time to inform me about the DOT mandates!!!

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

What Happens When DOT Mandates Aren't Followed: Ted’s Embarrassing Story

Ted the owner of “Ted’s Transportation Corporation”…

Learned the hard way about what happens when DOT mandates aren't followed!!

Actually, Ted realized about the DOT regulations a few months back, but he was lax in his compliance with all the DOT rules.

Many a times drunken drivers were sent on jobs and Ted was so careless that sometimes, even non-CDL drivers were allowed to operate the company's vehicles. This all came to the notice of a disgruntled employee of the company and he became a whistle-blower to the DOT. He filed a complaint that triggered a DOT audit!!!

You might fool yourself into thinking that no one will ever find out you're not in compliance. However if someone files a complaint, the DOT will conduct an audit to verify the claims. The audit uncovered all the misconducts, Tod’s company was involved in. Not only they were defying several areas, but also the supervisors were not made to take the DOT alcohol and drug awareness training. And, all their explanations could not please the auditor.

Fortunately, since they were first-time offenders, Ted was allowed to pay the fine and continue business. However, a re-audit was going to be held a year later. Also, he was told to monitor and stay compliant with all DOT mandates, for which he started by providing training to the supervisors.

For that I suggested him to go to the DOT Supervisor Compliance Training Department, because even I had to train my supervisors, and had a great experience with them. Undoubtedly, I can say that Supervisor Compliance Training Department Online and live courses are the best alcohol and drug awareness training programs for all supervisors of drivers.

Well, Ted was bothered about the Supervisor Compliance Training Department Scam reports, but he stopped worrying about them after reading the Supervisor Compliance Training Department Reviews that I gave him.

I'm glad that Ted was able to through the re-audit with flying colors. Still, it costed him thousands of dollars, which he could have put to a good use somewhere else!!

Monday, 4 March 2013

Get Registered With DOT Supervisor Compliance Training Department

As soon as the U.S. Government made the DOT number compulsory for all the organizations related to the transportation industry, it became a big concern for everyone whose business directly or indirectly belongs to commercial transportation.

Initially when this notice came to me, I just ignored it and threw that away!

Most of us would have done the same, am I right?

In fact, very few of us take such notices seriously until and unless we face the consequences. And the same thing happened with me as well......

I took this notice seriously when one of my friends, who is in the same business got fined because he and his supervisors were not aware about the DOT training for supervisors. After that incident, I started searching for the online training program for supervisors, and found DOT Supervisor Compliance Training Department.

However, when I discussed about DOT Supervisor Compliance Training Department with my friends, they told me about Supervisor Compliance Training Department Scam reports. Since I am a businessman, I don't trust such type of rumors without doing my own research. Hence, I decided to uncover the truth behind these Supervisor Compliance Training Department Scam reports.

While researching, I also came across some Supervisor Compliance Training Department Complaints, but when I dug out a little in this matter, I found Supervisor Compliance Training Department Reviews which confirmed me that all the Supervisor Compliance Training Department Scams have been created to proclaim it is fake.

I was in shock, why someone wants to prove DOT Supervisor Compliance Training Department a fraud. And I can conclude my research in a single sentence, 'the negative reviews and complaints against the Supervisor Compliance Training Department Online and Live Courses have been written just to prove that it is a scam, but those are completely false!'

After all this, my supervisors and I got registered for Supervisor Compliance Training Department Online Course, and completed our training very well. I am so impressed with the way they conduct training sessions online!

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Concerned About DOT Training? Join Supervisor Compliance!

If you run a private transportation company and looking for DOT Drug and Alcohol Supervisor Training…

You have landed at the best place!

Most people involved in the commercial transport business today are concerned about this issue because the US Department of Transport (DOT) has made it mandatory for employers to make sure that their supervisors undergo an alcohol and drug awareness training. It will help them to confront other employees and drivers for reasonable suspicion testing.

However, most people came to know about the mandatory DOT training and eventually started searching for the training after they were fined by DOT for not following the necessary guidelines.

Even I researched this because I own a transport firm in San Jose, and the DOT had levied fines on me too. After searching for a couple of days and consulting with a few friends I concluded that SupervisorCompliance Training Department Online course for my supervisors would be the best solution.

DOT Supervisor Compliance Training Department provides the most comprehensive course material that covers all important topics with detailed explanations. The best thing about the Supervisor Compliance Training Department Online course is that it can be accessed from anywhere. If you have something more important to attend to, you can pause it there and continue from exactly same place where you left it.

Well, if you think that a live trainer would be more effective, you can opt also for the live training sessions at DOT Supervisor Compliance Training Department. These live trainings are conducted at several venues.

Besides, along with English both the courses are offered in Spanish as well.

However, a few friends warned me about SupervisorCompliance Training Department Scam claims and informed about Supervisor Compliance Training Department Complaints. And this made me look deeper into the issue, and I found various Supervisor Compliance Training Department Reviews, which clarified that all such reports are fake.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Best Supervisor Compliance Training Department Online

If you are a driver supervisor, then you must be aware that the U.S. Department of Transportation has made it compulsory for supervisors to take the supervisor training.

Are you aware of this?

No??? Well you are not an exception…..

For your knowledge- the supervisor training has been made mandatory for all driver supervisors in the U.S., because it’s the responsibility of the supervisor at a commercial motor vehicle company to take care of both good as well as bad qualities of an employee to judge whether he is fit to be a driver or not.
Unfortunately, one of my friends who runs a transport business, was not aware about this, and hence had to face the fines imposed by DOT.

So, to undertake the training a friend of mine got himself and his supervisors registered with SupervisorCompliance Training Department Online. After completing the program at Supervisor Compliance, he learned how to deal with various circumstances that he had already faced and was not comfortable with. For instance, if there is a situation like a worker comes drunk on the duty or is under the influence of drugs, Supervisor Compliance training helps the supervisors on how to deal with the worker and overcome the situation smartly and confidently. After completing the supervisor training, my friend has become more efficient in handling the defense strategies of his employees as well.

Before joining the Supervisor Compliance Training Department Online, my friend browsed the internet for supervisor training programs, and he came across some SupervisorCompliance Training Department Scam reports. To be sure about it, he personally visited their site and looked for complete details about them. However, he found that all the remarks and Supervisor Compliance Training Department Reviews that presented it as a scam were untrue. Hence, he came to a conclusion that, a company that providing such a beneficial training cannot be a scam.

So, if you are one of those who want to register with Supervisor Compliance Training Department Online, but are worried because of Supervisor Compliance Training Department Scam reports. One thing that we can ascertain that all these reports and claims are completely false. You won’t find a better trainer for supervisor training!